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Marsha D. Banks-Harold is a native Alexandrian, owner of PIES Fitness Yoga Studio, and a called intuitive healing trailblazer who empowers clients to compassionately lead while negotiating the intersectionality of trauma, wellness, body positivity, disabilities, and social justice.  As a certified yoga therapist and trauma sensitive yoga facilitator and mentor, she created My Body Don’t Bend That Way Yoga in response to the lack of inclusivity, equity, and accessibility in wellness spaces.  She serves as the Director of Holistic Yoga Therapy and Yoga Teacher training programs. Additionally she serves on the Board of Directors for the International Association of Yoga Therapists, and on the Board of Directors for Yoga Alliance and the Yoga Alliance Foundation. She discovered the transforming properties of yoga and yoga therapy when her career as an electrical engineering executive leader practicing in intellectual property did not open the doors of success that she had prepared for.  Marsha utilized the knowledge, skills, and experiences garnered from the unopened doors to tap into the transforming properties of yoga in order to thrive beyond measure in her remapped profession. Professionally, she guides highly engaged trailblazers in strategically developing and implementing customized lifestyle and career road maps essential in responding to interrupted success, moving to the next level of success, and manifesting internal peace while cultivating optimal work/life balance. Marsha also works with clients impacted by complex and microaggressive trauma; clients seeking adaptive and accessible yoga; clients of historically marginalized groups; clients impacted by body image, inclusivity, diversity, intersectionality and social justice concerns; and special needs children and adults. Personally, Marsha prevails as the wife of 30 years, as the mother of one biological non-binary child, one biological son, as well as two additional sons that she has served as the legal guardian of for the last fourteen years.  Marsha has been featured as a presenter for organizations such as Black Therapists Rock, International Association of Yoga Therapist (IAYT), Aging Matters TV Show, ABC7 news, and the Smithsonian.  She is also She is published in Yoga Therapy Today:  1) Building the Business of Yoga Therapy and 2) Reclaiming Humanity & Community: Healing the Trauma, Pain, & Suffering of Prejudice and Disparity and is a contributing author in Yoga Therapy Foundations, Tools, and Practice: a Comprehensive Textbook and in Yoga Therapy Across the Cancer Care Continuum. Marsha thrives in creating supportive, inclusive, diverse, adaptive and accessible yoga and yoga therapy experiences for all beings.

Mental Health and Wellness Support Provider

Accepted Insurance


Weekend and Evening Availability

Offers evening appointments, Offers weekend appointments

States Served

District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia



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